Losing you didn’t hurt as much as losing myself.
I never really knew who I was before we met.
I’m still not sure now.
The worst part is,
you didn’t know who you were either.
I spent years pouring love into you,
hoping you’d find yourself,
hoping you’d find love for you—
and I forgot to leave any for me.
I was chasing a world to make you happy,
leaving myself with a little less
every time you pushed me away.
When we last spoke, you told me
I’d made you proud of who you’d become—
a painful reminder
that I still don’t know who I am.
I didn’t leave myself the space to find out,
and it hurts so much
that I was left so broken,
while you were left built up.
I regret losing myself trying to teach you
how to love yourself.
I don’t want to feel like that.
I want to be grateful, to be proud,
that I helped build someone up,
that I taught someone to love themselves.
But losing you didn’t hurt as much as losing myself—
or maybe, as never finding me.
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